Contractors and Engineers
No Testing Until All Utilities Installed
To avoid boring and other accidents, Hamilton Southeastern Utilities, Inc. does not allow testing on manholes and sewer lines until installation of all utilities in the project has completed.
Contractor Notifications
To further assist home builders in the reduction of manhole issues associated with new home construction, the Utility will be checking grade elevations on a limited basis. When a plot plan for a lot associated with a manhole is received, the Utility will check the corner and side lot grade elevations for plan compliance prior to issuing plot plan approval. Then, prior to sanitary service connection, the same locations will be evaluated again for approved design plan compliance. Sanitary lateral connection will be withheld if the grades for those lots does not comply with approved plan grading design and storm water drainage away from the manhole is not in place. Failure to take corrective action or provide a plan for required action on a date will continue to result in a suspension of plot plan approvals until outstanding manhole issues are remediated.
Attention: In Ground Utilities
In ground utilities must maintain a 5 ft clearance from the center of the manhole. This is a mandatory requirement. Please see the pictures below to see why this buffer is maintained and how not maintaining it can result in loss of assets.